Page 10 - Gazette - November 2023
P. 10

•  They can be produced almost all-year-round with the
                                                                       right conditions. (See “smarter scheduling” on p.11.)
                                                                     •  Sell them during main vegetable season, as well as
                                                                       extend into shoulder season sales.
                                                                     •  Growers ship and sell plants ready-to-pick with a
                                THERE ARE SEVERAL                      few ripe fruit.
                                ADVANTAGES TO                        •  Consumers harvest for 4-6 weeks as the rest of the
                                                                       fruit ripens – and are encouraged to shop for more!
                                GROWING THE
                                                                     Growers should position Kitchen Minis where
                                KITCHEN MINIS                        consumers buy fresh produce and clam-shell culinary
                                COLLECTION:                          herb plants in a grocery store or at garden retailers.
                                                                     They also make a creative gift when dropped into a
                                                                     décor pot or wrap to sell in the indoor floral area of
                                                                     your store or garden center.
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