Page 9 - Griffin Gazette - June 2023
P. 9

                A high tunnel is an inexpensive structure   High tunnels are usually covered with   STRUCTURE OVER TIME? CAN I
                that protects a field-grown crop from   a single layer, polyethylene film. One of   UPGRADE A TUNNELPRO TO A
                rain, frost, and wind. High tunnels differ   the primary benefits of high tunnels is   GREENHOUSE?
                from greenhouses in several ways. First,   the ease of opening the structure, i.e.   A TunnelPro is perfectly designed to
                they are not climate controlled. These   quick roll up of the film. For example, in   cover a lot of ground at an affordable
                are unheated spaces without exhaust   Harnois’ TunnelPro, the film is secured   price. TunnelPro is easily scalable
                or HAF fans. Air flow and temperature   with simple nylon straps that are easily   to cover more space by adding
                are managed with roll up sides or by   released to allow the cover to roll all the   more tunnels/bays. Because these
                removing the cover entirely. Second,   way to the peak. Side walls and ends   are lightweight structures, they are
                high tunnels are light weight structures.   are easily opened, too. Sidewall roll up   not intended to grow-up into true
                While wind rated, high tunnels cannot   operation can also be automated.  greenhouse structures. If your business
                support  hanging  baskets,  lights,                             plan includes a true greenhouse,
                light dep systems, or any of the other   DO HIGH TUNNELS WORK FOR   then  consider  Harnois’  Ovaltech
                infrastructure associated with seasonal   HIGH WIRE CROPS?      free  standing,  ground to  ground
                or year-round greenhouses. These   Yes! High tunnels are a great option   structure. Ovaltechs are cost effective
                are three-season structures, not rated   to get an early turn on tomatoes or   greenhouses that can graduate from a
                for snow loads; the poly roof must be   cucumbers to get that first-to-market   high-tunnel like installation to a climate-
                removed during the winter.      price. Harnois has a new Trellis   controlled greenhouse.
                                                Support System designed just for this
                WHY CHOOSE A HIGH TUNNEL?       application with their TunnelPro.   WHAT ARE NRCS GRANTS?
                High tunnels are the perfect solution                           The  USDA’s   Natural  Resources
                for protecting large crop areas of field   WHAT ABOUT MY EQUIPMENT?   Conservation Service (NRCS) offers
                grown fruits, veggies, or greens from   WILL I BE INCREASING MY   financial assistance for high tunnel
                unpredictable weather. They are also a   LABOR COSTS BY GROWING   purchases through their Environmental
                great choice for cut flower production.   UNDER COVER?          Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). Get
                While they are not heated, high tunnels   These are big, open structures, 28-  started by contacting your local NRCS
                can afford enough protection and   31' wide with inside clearance of up to   office. Once your project is evaluated,
                capture enough sun-driven heat load   132". The ends are unobstructed; small   you can submit an application. Your
                to serve as simple season extenders.   tractors and other equipment can drive   application will be ranked, with awards
                Depending on the crop, this can translate   right through a high tunnel.   issued as EQIP contracts. If you sign
                to 1-2 additional turns or harvests per                         the contract, funds will be dispersed to
                year. Protecting crops with high tunnels   HOW MUCH DO THEY COST?   you  following construction and  NRCS
                is a recognized path to improving plant   High tunnels are an affordable way to   inspection. Griffin is experienced with
                and soil quality, reducing pesticide use,   cover large crop areas. For example,   the NCRS grant process. We can quote
                and improving crop size and yields.   pricing for a TunnelPro connected   projects that match the criteria and
                                                tunnel solution should land in the range   supply the structure to you once you
                                                of $2.50-$4.00 per square foot, about   have your EQIP contract.
                                                half the price of a ground to ground   Get more information here:
                                                greenhouse. Of course, this will vary
                                                based on the location and options   initiatives/eqip-high-tunnel-initiative
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